What We Do

Safety Campaigns

Trek for Trevor creates a number of useful and impactful campaigns which aim to keep hikers safe by providing them with the gear and skills necessary to achieve their objectives out on the trail.

20% off Kahtoola MICROspikes® and Corsa Ice Axes

Created to put this equipment into the hands of PCT thru-hikers where they need it, the Trevor Spikes Program delivers this life-saving gear to hikers before they start their ascent towards Apache Peak.

Trek for Trevor pays a 20% discount on Kahtoola MICROspikes® and Corsa Ice Axes when purchased through Nomad Ventures.

Hand drawn illustration of Trevor "Microsoft" Laher while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

Why safety campaigns?

On March 27, 2020, only 15 miles away from a stop in Idyllwild where his MICROspikes® and ice axe were waiting for him, Trevor set off for the San Jacinto mountains.

Had Trevor been equipped with this life-saving mountaineering gear before Apache Peak, we are convinced he’d still be alive today.

Preparation & Awareness

Adequate planning and preparation are paramount for any successful trek. Hikers must know what gear is needed and how to use it. Most importantly, loved ones must be notified of their hiker’s plans and how they should respond in an emergency.

Thumbnail image used by the San Francisco Chronicle for the article titled "Dangers of Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail"

Safety articles and media

Trek for Trevor writes original articles and content on hiker safety, and collaborates on content with national news and media outlets.

Hand drawn illustration of Trevor "Microsoft" Laher while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

Why preparation and awareness?

Before Trevor left to thru-hike the PCT, his parents attempted to discuss the potential dangers associated with thru-hiking, Trevor responded with the statistic that only 15 people had ever died hiking the PCT. “There’s a better chance I die in a car accident than hiking the PCT” Trevor replied.

Unfortunately, that turned out not to be true.

What Hikers are Saying